How A Tony Robbins Quote Changed My Life

Life is happening for you, not to you.” 

This Tony Robbins quote changed my life! I learned this at a Tony Robbins seminar. I am grateful I held onto it as it helped me through some of my toughest moments. It's a great tool that can be applied in most situations. Anytime things are rough, I always refer to it. You may not know the “why” now, as in why or how things are happening in your life for your benefit, BUT you will eventually. Whether it's a much needed transformation, awakening or is happening for us not to us. 

This lesson came to me at exactly the right moment in my life (I believe it was divine intervention): right before my mother and I were diagnosed with our brain tumors. When I got the devastating news, it was easy to ask “why me?” and get mad at God, the universe, whatever. This quote helped me change my mindset and enabled me to view my tumor as a rebirth and transformation.

It guided me towards my new purpose which is to help others on their health and wellness journey through my podcast “Heal Squad X Maria Menounos.”  I'm grateful for my tumor everyday. Doesn't mean it felt good, or was easy but it had its purpose and I recognized it because of this quote. So when times are tough, this Tony Robbins quote can be a beacon of hope. It was for me. 


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